As you can see on my footer, this blog has its own label cloud! For those that familiar with WordPress, maybe tag cloud will ring the bell for you.
It's a way to indicates label/tag frequent usage. The more I assign them to my posts, the bigger they are shown. I personally think that this is much better than the normal list (with the number of the frequency next to it). Don't you agree?
WordPress user may find it easy to accomplish, since there already a built-in widget management on the administration panel. But for blogger, the story is different. I don't know why the widget isn't available on the gadget list. Don't they see how people love it? Is it because we're still in Beta?
Whatever, now if you are interested in adding this cool feature on your blog. See the simple 3 steps I've found on phy3blog
At first, I couldn't make the clouds to be distributed accross the line. It was rather sorted, just like any ordinary list (<li>) would do. Then I check my CSS, just to found out that there was a handler for footer-list. Deleted it and there it goes.
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