It's a Monday

. Monday, October 4


It's Monday today, even if people are used to say "I don't like Monday", can't say that right now. I had great weekends the week before.
Even if we didn't went out at daytime on Saturday, at least we did do something useful for the house, yup redecorated it already, we change the living room into a bit more spacial. Thank to my habit of sleeping in there during the night, now everybody seems to want to join me over there. I already 'scared' them by telling them that, I often see something during the night that would give any body a goosebumps (*spooky*) but they just don't take it. Got to share the space then : p
In the evening, even if we didn't hang out to the preplanned site, at least we didn't spent the nigh just sitting uselessly in the house. We went to the church for setting up the church building for M & H wedding that took place at Sunday morning. We did pretty well, lots of jobs to do, I'm taking care the video shoot and relay point. We stayed in the church up till 11 o'clock. So when we arrived home, it was a little bit tiring for us to go out to that preplanned hangout place. So we just take some sit and relax before we went to bed, still have to get up early in the morning for the wedding.
The wedding it self gives a tickle for me, I mean not the procession or the persons that were connected to it. I mean the meaning of 'wedding' that was declared to us in the church, it was so sacred. It didn't sound like anything that people would played around with. The commitment, it's so deep in meaning. The life before the wedding also has some aspect that must be seen. How did they pass the time where they still go out together as boyfriend and girlfriend ... *bla-bla-bla*
Ah, enough with the wedding thing, let me keep it for me.

One thing to remember, Sunday night sure is a dull time for me.
Got to have a TV set or something to deal with it.


Sherilla Lay said...

Indeed, what people do on Sunday night?.. I’ve been quite antisocial lately and thinking on this I found out that more often I go out during the week rather than meeting the crowds in the clubs on Friday or Saturday.
I was thinking on buying a tv-tuner some time ago but then I realized that anyway, I won’t use it as I spend more time downloading movies or music and as for the news... hmmm, it seems that I know how to browse the websites...)

Sherilla Lay said...

[nich] I want to say a personal Thank you for your comments on my fonts-selection problem! THANK YOU